Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M 10 Db

M 10 Db

Q A. Finalize your Personal Brand Profile, that you drafted in Week 2, by adding your target audiences, competitors, and any other details you have identified throughout this course (consider Myers Briggs Type Indicator, SWOT, etc.). B. Produce a Personal Commercial, also known as a 30-second "elevator pitch." Tip: Make sure your Personal Commercial aligns with your Personal Brand Profile. o To earn full points, your Personal Commercial must be submitted as a video. A written Personal Commercial will be accepted for 50% reduction in points. Reflect on this course and share the most important takeaways and anything you would have liked to have learned in this course that was not covered.

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A. Complete personal brand profile of me as follows: Name: Wesley Chia Personal information: pursuing a Bachelor’s degree, serving military and looking for a scope in a dynamic organization where personal and teamwork skills will add more value. Mission: utilization of the managerial and financial skills in the workplace and giving opportunities fresh talents who can contribute for organizational benefit.